Privacy and Cookies

Privacy NoticeEffective Date: 15 July 2024
This Privacy Notice describes how your personal data is processed when using the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence (i.e., Booking Holdings Romania S.R.L., and Booking Holdings India Pvt. Ltd.) careers website, (the “Site”), and/or when your personal data is collected otherwise as part of the recruitment processes for the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence. Your personal data may be processed by us when you apply for a job (either directly or by way of referral), join our talent network through the Site, attend a recruitment event, when cookies and similar technologies are used on the Site, or when your personal data is received from professional online networking platforms and/or recruitment agencies.

The Privacy Notice describes how we use and process your personal data. It also tells you what rights you can exercise in relation to your personal data and how you can contact us. Please also read our Cookie Notice below, which tells you how we use cookies and other similar tracking technologies.ControllerEach of the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence (please see the Site for further information) can be responsible for the processing of your personal data, depending on the specific processing activity. When you are browsing posted roles and submit information, e.g. as part of an application or to register for the talent network through the Site, the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence determine the purpose and means in relation to the collection of your personal data through the Site and the further sharing of your personal data among these entities. In addition, each of these entities may process your information independently. For example, when you apply on the Site for a specific job, the Booking Holdings Center of Excellence at which the job is and for which you have applied, will process your personal data independently further. Another example is that when you register outside of the Site directly for an event hosted by a Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence or when you are directly in touch with a recruiter at a Booking Holdings Center of Excellence and as part of either your personal data is processed, such Booking Holdings Center of Excellence will be responsible for the processing of your personal data. If you have questions regarding the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence and their responsibilities for the specific processing activities and to exercise your rights, contact us as set out below.

Data CollectionAs part of the recruitment processes, we will request you provide the following information (or some of this information depending on the precise role, country of practice or the event you are applying for) or obtain such information from other sources (such as references or pre employment information again depending on the role):

  • Contact information, such as your first name, last name, city, state, country, email and phone number;
  • Your resume or CV, cover letter, photo, language skills, areas of interest, previous and/or relevant work experience or other experience, education, transcripts, information on your driver’s license (as applicable), professional license (where applicable) or other information you provide to us in support of an application and/or the recruitment process;
  • Information processed in relation to face-to-face interviews, video-calls and/or phone-screenings you may have with us, and if you are requested to provide a video-recording of yourself as permitted by applicable law;
  • Information relating to your attendance at our recruitment events, such as event registration information;
  • Details of the type of employment you are or may be looking for, your current and past employers, current location, your notice period in relation to your current employment, current and/or desired compensation and benefits packages, willingness to relocate or travel, and/or other job preferences;
  • Details of how you heard about the position, our talent network or event you registered for;
  • Any sensitive and/or demographic information obtained in accordance with applicable law during the application or recruitment process such as gender, information about your citizenship and/or nationality and/or right to work or reside in a specific country, medical or health information and/or your racial or ethnic origin;
  • Reference information;
  • Pre-employment screening information, where applicable and in compliance with applicable law(s) and depending on the role you are applying for, this may amongst others consist of employment history verification, education verification, address verification, driver’s license verification (as applicable), sanction lists screening, professional license verification, adverse media search and/or a criminal background check and in case of an adverse report, the analysis and decision (i.e. hire/reject);
  • Information relating to any previous applications you may have made to the Booking Holding Centers of Excellence and/or any previous employment history with us insofar as we have retained this information;
  • Assessment results (where applicable);
  • Travel information (including travel and meal preferences) if traveling is part of the recruitment process;
  • Payment details such as your bank account number, as may be necessary for reimbursing you for permitted expenses as part of the recruitment process;
  • Passport/government ID details (as required); and/or
  • Work permit details.

Data we collect automaticallyWhen using the Site, information can be collected automatically, some of which may be personal data. This includes data such as language settings, IP address, location, device settings, device OS, time of usage, URL requested, status report, user agent (information about the browser version), operating system, result (viewer or applicant), browsing history within the Site, and type of data viewed. Such information may also be data collected through cookies. These cookies are used to recognize you as an applicant, to recognize if you are entering the Site through a referral link, to customize our services to your settings (such as your preferred language) and to improve the Site.
For information on how we use cookies, please see below the Cookie Notice.

Other sources from which we can receive your informationThe personal data listed in “data collection” may be collected directly from you, or we might receive it from the below listed sources.

  • Employee Referrals: We may receive your information from our colleagues who referred you for a position.
  • Recruitment agencies: We may receive information relating to you from recruitment agencies.
  • Pre-employment screening service providers: We may receive information relating to you from third parties through pre-employment screening service providers, as permitted by applicable law.
  • Third party websites: We may collect information about you from third party business online platforms, such as LinkedIn, HackerRank,, Instahire, Harver, etc. You may link your profile on these platforms as part of your application process, or we may collect information about existing and potential candidates through public information, such as public profiles, to determine if an individual meets the requirements for a specific job opening and/or maintain up to date information about existing candidates, for example contact details.

Processing PurposesWe use your information for the following purposes:

  • Assessing your skills, qualifications, interests and suitability against our listed career opportunities;
  • Communications with you about the recruitment process and/or your application(s) and the processing of your application/candidature;
  • Reimbursement of costs made by you for which you are eligible to receive reimbursement;
  • To register you for and communicate with you about our recruitment events;
  • Assisting you with obtaining an immigration visa or work permit and/or assisting you with relocation, where required;
  • As permitted by applicable law, verifying your information and carrying out reference checks and/or otherwise conducting pre-employment screening (where applicable) if you are offered a job, to verify the accuracy of the information as provided or implied by you, in order for us to only employ people with proven records and sufficient level of integrity and trustworthiness;
  • To add you to our talent network, match open positions or send you job alerts informing you of other potential career opportunities and information regarding upcoming recruitment events that may be of interest to you;
  • For analytical purposes, including making improvements to our application and/or recruitment processes including improving diversity in recruitment practices, monitor for equal opportunities or analyze data for business planning;
  • Complying with applicable laws, regulations and legal processes (e.g. administrative or court proceedings) or for establishment or defense of legal claims;
  • Complying with our internal policies, including our Code of Conduct;
  • For security purposes, including fraud detection and prevention and related investigations.

Legal basesIn view of purposes A, B, C and E above, we rely on the legal basis that the processing of your personal data is necessary in the context of the intention to enter into a contract with you. If you do not provide the requested information, we cannot properly assess your application or enter into a contract with you. In view of purposes F, H, I, J and K, we rely on our legitimate business interests to assess your suitability for the role you have applied for during the recruitment procedure, to provide recruitment services to you, to improve our recruitment process, and to prevent fraud and maintain security. When using personal data to serve a legitimate business interest, we will always balance your rights and interests in the protection of your information against our rights and interests. For purpose F and I, we rely also, where applicable, on compliance with legal obligations. Where needed under applicable law, such as for purposes D and G, we will obtain your consent prior to processing your personal data, such as for example when sending newsletters or to add you to our talent network or offering job matching functionalities.

If you would like to object to the processing set out under F to H and J and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly (for example in the email we sent you), to the extent applicable, please reach out to the contact details as set out below.

Note: For the processing of personal data carried out with respect to recruitment by Booking Holdings India Pvt. Ltd., the legal bases of processing will be as per applicable Indian data protection laws. In view of purposes A, B, C, E, F, H, I J and K, we rely on the legal basis of legitimate uses for the purposes of employment, for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations under the laws of India, or for the purposes of complying with a judgment or decree or order issued under any law in force in India. Where needed under applicable law, such as for purposes D and G, we will obtain your consent prior to processing your personal data, such as for example when sending newsletters or to add you to our talent network. If you wish to object to processing under any grounds wherein your consent was sought, and no opt-out mechanism is available to you directly (for example in the email we sent you), then, to the extent applicable, please reach out to the contact details as set out below.

Automated job matching functionalityTo make it easier for you to find the right job opening, we may offer you a job matching functionality. As part of the job matching functionality, you may be asked to provide information, such as your CV. An automated process will match your information against the available job postings on our careers platform. The uploaded information will remain available for the job matching functionality and to allow you to complete a subsequent job application. We will retain the uploaded information for a certain period of time to facilitate your use of the Site, after which it will automatically be deleted unless you apply for a job or add your information to our Talent Network (as explained further below). If you would like to remove the uploaded information before it is deleted automatically, please go to the Edit Your Info button on the Site to remove your data (CV/resume).

Talent NetworkWe offer prospective applicants the option to register through the Site with our Talent Network, i.e. talent pool, of potential candidates. Visit the Talent Network to unsubscribe from it at any time after registration.

Online AssessmentDepending on the role/vacancy, you may be requested to perform an online assessment to establish whether you meet certain job requirements (e.g. language tests, availability to work at given times, job preview and competency test). A decision could be taken by automated means (i.e. algorithms) which you will receive via an automatically generated notification. Your assessment results shall be automatically transferred to us and will be part of your application file. Your assessment results may subsequently also be used to provide specific training and/or coaching during your employment with the Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence and your assessment results may be shared with managers and/or coaches for this purpose. If you do not meet the assessment requirements, your job application can be rejected.

If you are unhappy that an automated decision has been taken, please contact us within 21 days after the automated decision has been made to ask us to reconsider the decision or to take a new decision on a different basis. There is no guarantee that a different decision will be taken but we will consider the application and its grounds. You can reach out as set out below with regards to the aforementioned, or other questions in relation to this automated decision-making process used by us.

ScreeningIf your application is successful, your personal data may be used for a pre-employment screening check by a third party as permitted by applicable law. Depending on the role/vacancy and applicable law, a pre-employment screening may include verification of skill proficiency (including professional licenses and/or drivers licenses as relevant for the specific function), employment history, education, criminal history, financial history and other information (such as media information) that may be necessary for determining your qualifications and suitability for the role at a Booking Holdings Center of Excellence. You will be informed about the screening process beforehand separately.

Data sharingBooking Holdings Inc. group companies: The Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence are part of the Booking Holdings Inc. group of companies. See here for more information about Booking Holdings Inc. Depending on the position you are considered for, your information and/or application may need to be shared with other Booking Holdings Inc. group companies as part of the recruitment review process. For instance, when a job role is to support another Booking Holdings brand, such as or Agoda, that brand may be involved in the recruitment process and your personal data may therefore need to be shared with the relevant brand entity(ies). We may also need to share some parts of your information which may include personal data with other Booking Holdings Inc. group companies, for compliance purposes as permitted by applicable law and strictly necessary to protect Booking Holdings Inc. and its group companies, including Booking Holdings Centers of Excellence and other brand entities, from fraudulent activities and investigating and handling data security breaches.

Sharing with third-parties: we share your information, which may include personal data, with third parties as permitted by applicable law and as described below:

  • Service providers (including suppliers and affiliated entities, i.e. other entities of the Booking Holdings Inc group of companies, acting as service providers): to provide our recruitment services, for example to store and process recruitment data and/or operate and maintain the Site on our behalf, provide otherwise IT support, or support with requests which you may have.
  • Outsourcing recruitment agencies: if you were directed to us by one of the outsourcing recruitment agencies that we have a contractual relationship with, to be able to meet our contractual obligations with the relevant outsourcing recruitment agency, we may share information such as, but not limited to, your acceptance of the work offer with us, the fact that you passed your probation period and/or your resignation.
  • Payment providers and other financial institutions: to process payments (e.g. for agreed expenses) your information, as relevant, is shared with payment providers and other financial institutions.
  • Travel agencies: for making travel arrangements, if you have to travel as part of the recruitment process or to attend an event, we may share your information, such as your name, contact details and passport number.
  • Pre-employment screening: we may share your information with third parties to conduct pre-employment screening as permitted by applicable law.
  • Compelled disclosures: when legally required, strictly necessary for the performance of the recruitment services, or to protect or defend our rights or property, or the rights or property of Booking Holdings Inc. group of companies, we disclose your information to governmental authorities including law enforcement (subject to a lawful request), any Booking Holdings Inc. affiliates, or in legal proceedings.
  • Professional service providers: We may also need to disclose your information to parties that provide other professional services, such as attorneys, auditors, consultants, medical service providers.

Sharing and disclosure of aggregate data: we may share information in aggregate form and/or in a form which does not enable the recipient of such information to identify you, with third parties, for example for industry analysis and demographic profiling.

International Data TransfersThe transmission of personal data as described in this Privacy Notice may include transfers of personal data to countries whose data protection laws are not as comprehensive as those of the countries in which you initially provided your information. In such cases, we will protect your personal data as described in this Privacy Notice.

This may also be applicable if you are in the European Economic Area (EEA). Where required by European law, we will only transfer personal data to recipients that offer an adequate level of data protection. In these situations, as may be required, we make contractual arrangements to ensure that your personal data is still protected in line with European standards. You can ask to see a copy of these contractual agreements by contacting us as set out below.

SecurityWe observe reasonable procedures to prevent unauthorized access to, and the misuse of, information including personal data. We use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard information including personal data. Security procedures and technical and physical restrictions are in place for accessing and using the personal data on the servers we make use of. Only authorized personnel are permitted to access personal data in the course of their work.

Data RetentionYour personal data will be retained as long as necessary for the purposes specified in this Privacy Notice and as permitted under applicable laws.
Unless specified herein, we may use criteria to determine our retention periods such as:
(i) if the personal data is needed to safeguard our legitimate business interest;
(ii) if the personal data is required for the purposes of entering into a contract to which you are subject, and/or to respond to your questions or provide necessary service or support;
(iii) if there is a legal obligation to which we are subject;
(iv) if the retention is advisable in light of our legal position or to safeguard against legal claims and regulatory action or investigations.
To illustrate further on key recruitment processes:
When a Booking Holdings Center of Excellence employs you: All or parts of your information collected during the application and recruitment process will also become part of your personnel file. All personal data we retain as part of your personnel file will be subject to our internal retention policies for employees. You will be further informed via the respective employee privacy notice.
When you are unsuccessful in your application: if you are not successful in your application, we may still continue to retain and use your information, which may include personal data. In case we still have your information and you apply again, we may refer back to the information, including personal data provided during the earlier application.
In case you register with our Talent Network: Unless you delete your registration yourself, we retain profiles and information in our Talent Network for at least one year. Thereafter, we shall delete your account if you have not logged into your account for more than one year.

Your Choices and Rights and How to Contact usWe want you to be in control of how your personal data is used by us. You can do this in the following ways:

  • You can ask us for a copy of the personal data we hold about you;
  • You can inform us of any changes to your personal data, or if you want us to correct any of the personal data we hold about you. Please also visit your online portal on our Site to update some of your information directly. We rely on you to ensure that your personal data is complete, accurate and current. Please do inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies of your personal data;
  • In certain situations, you can ask us to erase, block or restrict the personal data we hold about you, or object to particular ways in which we are using your personal data; and
  • In certain situations, you can also ask us to send the personal data you have given us to a third party.

Where we are using your personal data on the basis of your consent, you are entitled to withdraw that consent at any time subject to applicable law. Moreover, where we process your personal data based on legitimate interest or the public interest, you have the right to object at any time to that use of your personal data subject to applicable law.

For any requests relating to this Privacy Notice, to exercise any of your rights, or if you have a complaint or a question about the processing of your personal data, please contact
All questions and complaints reported to us will be investigated. We will attempt to resolve complaints and questions in line with internal policies. You may also contact your local data protection authority with questions and complaints.

Country-specific provisionsDepending on the law that applies to you, we may be required to provide some additional info. Review the below to find any additional information relevant to your situation.

Additional Disclosures for California ApplicantsThese disclosures describe the categories of personal data that we collect about you, and the purposes for collecting that data. We collect the following categories of personal data in relation to your consideration for employment: Identifiers, financial, medical, or health insurance information Demographics Commercial information Professional or employment-related information Internet or other electronic network activity information Geolocation information Audio, visual, or other similar information Inferences drawn from information in other categories For more detail about the types of personal data we collect, please refer to the “Data Collection” and “Assessment” sections. For information about the purposes for which we use your data, please refer to the “Processing Purposes” section below.

Changes to the Privacy NoticeJust as our business changes constantly, this Privacy Notice may also change from time to time. If we make material changes or changes that will have an impact on you (e.g. when we start processing your personal data for other purposes than set out above), we will inform you prior to commencing that processing.

Cookie NoticeEffective Date: 15 July 2024

Whenever you use the Site, we use cookies and other online tracking technologies (which we’ll also refer to as “cookies” for the purpose of this Cookie Notice).
Cookies can be used in various ways, including to make the Site work, to enhance certain functionalities of the Site or to analyze traffic, or for advertising purposes.
Read below to learn more about what a “cookie” is, how they’re used, and what your choices are.
What are cookies and other online tracking technologies?
How are cookies used?
What are your choices?

What are cookies and online tracking technologies?A web browser cookie is a small text file that websites place on your computer’s or mobile device’s web browser.

Cookies are divided into “first party” and “third party”:

  • First party cookies are the cookies served by the owner of the domain. Any cookie we place ourselves is a “first-party cookie.”
  • Third-party cookies are cookies placed on our domains by trusted partners that we’ve allowed to do so. These can be social media partners, advertising partners, security providers, and more.

And they can be either “session cookies” or “permanent cookies”:

  • Session cookies only exist until you close your browser, ending what’s called your “session.” Then they’re automatically deleted.
  • Permanent cookies have a range of lifespans and stay on your device after the browser is closed. On our Site, we try to only serve permanent cookies (or allow permanent cookies to be served by third parties) that have a limited lifespan. However, for security reasons or in other exceptional circumstances, sometimes we may need to give a cookie a longer lifespan.

Web browser cookies may store info such as your IP address or other identifiers, your browser type, and info about the content you view and interact with on digital services. By storing this info, web browser cookies can remember your preferences and settings for online services and analyze how you use them.

Along with cookies, we also use tracking technologies that are very similar. The Site may contain small transparent image files or lines of code that record how you interact with them. These include “web beacons,” “scripts,” “tracking URLs,” or “software development kits” (known as SDKs):

  • Web beacons have a lot of different names. They might also be known as web bugs, tracking bugs, tags, web tags, page tags, tracking pixels, pixel tags, 1×1 GIFs, or clear GIFs.
    In short, these beacons are a tiny graphic image of just one pixel that can be delivered to your device as part of a web page request, in an app, an advertisement, or an HTML email message.
    They can be used to retrieve info from your device, such as your device type, operating system, IP address, and the time of your visit. They are also used to serve and read cookies in your browser or to trigger the placement of a cookie.
  • Scripts are small computer programs embedded within the Site that give those pages a wide variety of extra functionality. Scripts make it possible for the website to function properly. For example, scripts power certain security features and enable basic interactive features on the Site.
    Scripts can also be used for analytical or advertising purposes. For example, a script can collect info about how you use our website, such as which pages you visit or what you search for.
  • Tracking URLs are links with a unique identifier in them. These are used to track which website brought you to the Site or app you’re using. An example would be if you clicked from a social media page, search engine, or one of our affiliate partners’ websites.

All these tracking technologies are referred to as “cookies” here in this Cookie Notice.

How are cookies used?Cookies are used to collect info, including:

  • IP address
  • Device ID
  • Viewed pages
  • Browser type
  • Browsing info
  • Operating system
  • Internet service provider
  • Timestamp
  • Whether you have responded to an advertisement
  • Whether you have clicked on a referral URL
  • Features used or activities engaged in on the website

They allow you to be recognized as the same user across the pages of a website, devices, between websites. When it comes to purpose, they’re divided into three categories: Functional cookies, analytical cookies, and marketing cookies.

Functional cookiesThese are cookies required for our Site to function and must be enabled for you to use our services.

Functional cookies help enhance Site performance and functionality for your benefit. Functional cookies are used to create technologically advanced, user-friendly websites and apps that adapt automatically to your needs and preferences, so you can browse easily. This also includes enabling essential security and accessibility features.

More specifically, these cookies can:

  • Enable basic functions like page navigation and access to dedicated areas of the Site (for example allowing you to apply for an open position or register for our Talent Network).
  • Allow for the use of the automated job matching functionality.

Analytical cookiesThese cookies measure and track how our Site is used. We can use this info to improve our Site and services.

More specifically, these cookies:

  • Help us understand how visitors like you use the Site.
  • Help improve our Sites and communications to make sure we’re interesting and relevant.
  • Allow us to find out what does and doesn’t work on our Site.
  • Help us understand the effectiveness of advertisements and communications.
  • Teach us how users interact with our Site after they’re shown an online ad, including ads on third-party websites.

The data we gather through these cookies can include which web pages you’ve viewed, which referral/exit pages you’ve entered and left from, which platform type you’ve used, which emails you’ve opened and acted upon, and date and timestamp info. It also means we can use details about how you’ve interacted with the site or app, such as the number of clicks you make on a given screen, your mouse and scrolling activity, the search words you use, and the text you enter into various fields.

Marketing cookiesThese cookies can be used by us and our trusted partners to gather info about you over time, across multiple websites, applications, or other platforms.
Marketing cookies help us to decide which services, and interest-based ads to show you, both on and off our website and apps.
More specifically, these cookies:

  • Categorize you into a certain interest profile, for example, based on the websites you visit and your click behavior. We use these profiles to display personalized content on the Site and other websites.
  • Display personalized and interest-based ads both on the Site, and other websites. This is called “retargeting” and is based on your browsing activities. Retargeting ads can be shown to you both before and after you leave the Site since their aim is to encourage you to browse or return to our website. You might see these ads on websites, apps, or in emails.
  • Integrate videos into our Site. When integrating YouTube into our website, cookies set by YouTube will allow us to display videos to you, but may also be used to understand views of embedded videos, keep track of your preferences for Youtube videos embedded in the Site, as well as to determine whether you are using the new or old version of the Youtube interface allows us to display video’s to you or you to like or share content on social media such as Facebook,YouTube. This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos. These “like” and “share” buttons work using pieces of code from the individual social media providers, allowing third-party cookies to be placed on your device. These cookies can be purely functional, but can also be used to keep track of which websites you visit from their network, to build a profile of your online browsing behavior, and to show you personalized ads. This profile will be partly built using comparable info the providers receive from your visits to other websites in their network.
    To read more about what social media providers do with your personal data, take a look at their cookie and/or privacy statements: Facebook. Be aware that these statements may be updated from time to time.

We work with trusted third parties to collect data. We may occasionally share info with these third parties, such as your email address or phone number. These third parties might link your data to other info they collect to create custom audiences or deliver targeted ads. For info about how these third parties process your data, take a look at the following links: How Google uses information, Facebook’s data policy.

Non-cookie techniques – email pixelsWe may also use techniques like pixels, which we don’t mark as cookies because they don’t store any info on your device.

We sometimes place pixels in emails like newsletters. A “pixel” is an electronic file the size of a single pixel that’s placed in the email and loaded when you open it. By using email pixels, we can see if the message was delivered, if and when you read it, and what you click.

We also receive this info about the push notifications we send you. These statistics provide us with feedback about your reading behavior, which we use to optimize our messages, and make our communications more relevant to you.

What are your choices?To manage the use of Cookies on the Site, please visit the cookie preference portal. To learn more about cookies and how to manage or delete them, you may also want to visit or the help section of your browser. The settings for browsers like Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome, enable you as well which cookies to accept and reject. Where you find these settings depends on the browser you use:

If you choose to block certain functional cookies, you may not be able to use some features of the Site. In addition to specific settings that we may offer on the Site, you can also opt out of certain cookies:

  • Analytics To prevent Google Analytics from collecting analytical data on certain browser types visit the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (only available on desktop).
  • Advertising We always aim to work with advertising and marketing companies that are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) and/or the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). Members of the NAI and IAB adhere to industry standards and codes of conduct, and allow you to opt out of behavioral advertising.

    Visit to identify NAI members that may have placed advertising cookies on your computer. To opt out of any NAI member’s behavioral advertising program, just check the box that corresponds to that company.

    You may also want to visit or to learn how to opt out of customized ads. Your mobile device may allow you to limit the sharing of info for retargeting purposes through its settings. If you choose to do so, remember that opting out of an online advertising network doesn’t mean you’ll no longer see or be subject to online advertising or marketing analysis. It just means the network you opted out of won’t deliver ads customized to your web preferences and browsing patterns anymore.

Some websites have “Do Not Track” features that allow you to tell a website not to track you. We’re currently unable to support “Do Not Track” browser settings.

How to contact usIf you have any questions about this cookie notice, please contact

Our cookie statement may also be updated from time to time. If these updates are substantial, particularly relevant to you, or impact your data protection rights, we’ll get in touch with you about them. However, we recommend visiting this page regularly to stay up to date with any other (less substantial or relevant) updates.